Well, if I'm not getting the boat till July, I may as well do something useful. There is always a project that needs to be done at the yacht club. This spring it is replacing the dingy docks at Douglas harbour. This is pretty much the summer home for FYC and where we keep the boat moored (when I finally get her). We are a self-help club, so a bunch of us get together to make projects come to fruition. Previously I had to trade time for money, so did not get to many of these events, but now I will pitch in when and where I can. Pic on the left is me (tan shirt) assisting in building this new wooden dock. Oh boy is this a bad year to be building with wood. Our prices have soared on what we had budgeted to what is needed. Luckily we had pre-purchased a lot of the wood in the fall, when it was expensive but less so than this spring. Oh boy, nobody is happy with the lumber prices this year. We have had these for 20(ish) years, so we have gotten our monies worth out of them, and they are due, but oh boy the sticker shock hurts. Luckily there is no labour costs for a bunch of old retired guys hanging out a half day a week, other than the price of a few sandwiches at the end of our day. With a self help club the projects need to move on regardless as there will still be things to do next year and these docks would still be rotting if left undone. COVID rules apply of course and we follow the guidelines of masks on at all times other than having lunch, but we do social distance during this time. At least building docks gives me some time to be around boaty things even if I don't have my boat here for the next bit. It's also a lot more fun than when I worked, sitting in a concrete room within a hangar all day. When the boat does arrive, I'll have a neat new dock to tie up to that won't need replacing for the next 20 years. Maybe I'll be the sandwich maker for the next batch of docks.